POWERCRAFT employs degree qualified ship design professionals on staff Design and drawings presented and produced using Rhino 3 D modeling, V Ray, Flamingo NXT and other software for accuracy and customer’s satisfaction For an owner interested acquiring a custom built vessel, both of the following types of design packages will typically be required in order for potential builders to provide accurate and competitive quotations on the project.
A concept design package is intended to establish the basic characteristics of a vessel These characteristics include the overall proportions, expected displacement, power required to achieve the required speed, interior exterior arrangements, and general exterior styling of the vessel POWERCRAFT also provide the owners operators to design the boats within their budget
Design Projects
Fast Patrol Boat. Fast Interceptor Craft. Strike Craft. High-speed Landing Craft. Pilot Boat. Waterbus. Passenger Ferry. Medium Assault Craft. Diving Boat. Speed Boat. Airboat. Passenger Boat. Rigid Hull Fender Boat. Rigid Inflatable Boat. Search & Rescue Boat. Sport Fishing Boat. Catamaran Ferry. River Cruise Boat.